Showing posts with label listening to the music is a theraphy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label listening to the music is a theraphy. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Listening to the Music is a Therapy

Listening to the Music is a Therapy
by rdm

Listening to the music is a great therapy. Right now I am listening to a very beautiful song that can represents my whole life. A song that maybe I can never forget. Maybe my mind can't forget but my heart will never ever forget. Just like in our lives, maybe we'll get old and forget things but there are important part of our lives that our heart cannot afford to forget.

Back to this beautiful song I am listening, it's really good in my heart and soul to listen but it likes bringing back my old memories. Happy memories, and including painful memories. Lucky if you have more happy memories than painful ones. If destiny is not so good to you, possible that you may have more painful ones. But be happy, because you still have memories to look back. Bad or good it's still better to remember things than to those can't remember anything. That's kinda boring and plain life, but that's only in my opinion.

Then back to the topic, why do you still listening to that old songs? Just to reminisce and hurt yourself? Why would you do that if it's like cutting your skin with your own knife. Every little lyrics is like a bullet in your heart that cause you painful tears. It's like bringing you back basically on the exact year, date and time that some tragedies of your life's happened. Like in you are in the world of Doraemon, you are literally going back to the time machine.

But why do you still listen to memorable song? What benefit do you got from that? Are you a masochist that really wanna recalls the pain of the past. You'be been there and done that. Do you wanna go back? If no, then why? Honestly, I also don't know why. Or I am just really can't accept the fact that way back those times, those things should have happy ending by now. Yeah, your having expectations and hope that everything should have to be continued and like a book there is a new chapter waiting.

But in reality, life is really harsh and bitter to some of us. Who could have thought that some love stories of William Shakespeare (like Romeo and Juliet) or like some Indie film really happened in reality. Maybe in other way but with the same tragic ending. How painful to be in that situation? Do you ever tried putting yourself many times as being Romeo and Juliet. I'm sorry, an avid fan here of their great tragic love story. I have watched the movie many times and I even knew the ending but I still can't keep myself on watching it over and over again. In my mind, I used to put up the end of the story with a happy ending. Wherein, Juliet would awake earlier from her sleep cause of the sleeping liquid he have drank and Romeo could see her that she is alive, then he would not kill himself and at the end of the story they would be both alive and will leave happily ever after. Even in one the greatest movie of all time, Titanic. How many times in your mind that you tried saving Jack so that he and Rose have happy ending?

Realization on those things that sometimes, if things are not just meant to be then say goodbye to happy and exciting things that at the beginning only with no beautiful endings. Accept the fact that you've got hurt but memories are still memories that still you wanna cherished. And would surely contributed much for making you more tough individual. Painful but accept that destiny doesn't allowed you to have happy ending on this life with your preferred one but there is always a reason for everything and you will found someone better. Someone really destined for you, something better maybe. But some people cannot stop believing that if there is really other life maybe in other lifetime, they can still to continue their unfinished story with their loved ones. 

By the way, the song has just ended. I am done with reminiscing. And I can say that a five to seven minutes, listening to a beautiful song can heal your decades of pain. Though you are literally creating illusions but this is a great therapy specially when you have no one to shed your tears and console but yourself only. Again, at the end of the day you can cure the loneliness and emptiness that you feel. For some individuals, this is one of their most effective way. Listening to the music as their therapy.

Listening to the Music is a Therapy

Listening to the Music is a Therapy by rdm Listening to the music is a great therapy. Right now I am listening to a very beautiful so...